Sunday, December 25, 2011


Christmas day started in the usual way, except a little later than usual.  As I have been saying, the boys are getting older, and we negotiated a raid of the presents and stockings at 9am.  Well, Luke and Kyle woke up first, and Kyle decided to take a shower while Luke quietly went thru his stocking.   Grandma sleeping on the chaise lounge in the living pretended not to notice.  Faithfully at 9am, Luke comes into the room to make sure that Sue and I are awake and getting ready for the festivities.

Seems everyone got the gifts they wanted and maybe a surprise or two mixed in along the way.  Opening presents make you hungry, so I ventured into the kitchen to make Christmas breakfast.  This year that consisted of bacon, sausage, eggs, and pancakes.  I love to cook.

Since I got a Garmin sports watch with heart rate monitor and distance and time monitoring, I was itching to try it out.  Gavin and I went to the track at Seneca Middle School.  Each of us ran a quick 2 miles, Gavin in around 13 min, and me in 18 min.  It was a nice cool morning for an easy run.

Back home, after a quick shower, it was time to get the turkey in the oven.  A ham, roasted potatoes, stuffing, yams with marshmallows, green beans, crescent rolls, pineapple, cranberry sauce, and a couple of bottles of wine rounded out the meal.  Oh wait, a couple of pies, cookies, coffee, etc. and we were all ready for a nap.  I love to cook.

Sue’s brother Dan, Angel, and Saskia arrived just in time for dinner and as I always say, the more the merrier.

This day in history – Jesus Christ was born

Photo of the day “Joy”

Recipe secret revealed.  Green Beans have fresh chopped toasted walnuts and blue cheese mixed in at the last minute of steaming.

1 comment:

  1. Woah woah woah woah, 11:45 2 miles, not 13. Don't sell me out here!
