Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A long day.

Dropped off Kyle for his regents.  Sue, Gavin and Luke went to Brooklyn for the wake.  We will meet them later.

In between, did a load of laundry and ran the dishwasher.

Did I eat lunch ?

This day in history "On this day in 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, are executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. Both refused to admit any wrongdoing and proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths, by the electric chair. The Rosenbergs were the first U.S. citizens to be convicted and executed for espionage during peacetime and their case remains controversial to this day."

Pick up Kyle and then run some errands.  Went to bank, post office, and Sayville beach.  Grabbed a slice of pizza.

Kyle is ready to go at 5:20, so we swing by Shane's house...on our way to Brooklyn.

Traffic is really bad, but we make it to the Funeral Home just in time.  7PM.

The wake is full of friends and family offering their condolences to a very special woman.  Margaret Walsh will be missed by all.

Long drive home, hence the late blog.  Good night all....

Photo of the day "Prayer"

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