Sunday, June 3, 2012

What the heck is that

Slept in this morning.  Dropped Kyle off at fields around 930 so he could AR two games.

Back home, Gavin is still sleeping, Sue and Luke at church.

I mow the lawn and then read the newspaper.

Pick up lunch special at Chinese feed place.

Lazy afternoon, till Luke and I go to Stop and shop.

This day in history "Middle Country Cruzers win State Cup and will advance the Regionals"

London Broil, Caesar Salad, Portabella mushrooms, and roasted pepper for dinner.  

In between the thunderstorms we see a rainbow.
Gavin gets invite to the Cruzer's party.  I drop off Gavin and say hi to coach Bob and family.

Found this really cool looking insect on the handle to the back door.

Photo of the day "What the heck is that"

P.S. Four Lined Plant Bug - Poecilocapsus lineatus
Insect Order: Heteroptera (Latreille, 1810) -- barbeiro, maria fedida, percevejo, true bugs
Family: Miridae (Hahn, 1833) -- hétéroptères mirides, jumping tree bugs, leaf bugs, plant bugs, punaises.

Four-lined plant bug nymphs (Poecilocapsus lineatus) have been found on many different kinds of plants including wild hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). This insect feeds on 250 species, including many kinds of perennials, vegetables, and shrubs such as bluebeard, forsythia, and sumac. Feeding injury is frequently mistaken for leaf spots. Four-lined plant bugs have a piercing, sucking mouthpart which they use to break plant cells and then flush the feeding wound with digestive juices.

Damage appears as dark leaf spots which subsequently turn translucent. The damage they do is more serious on herbaceous plants than on woodies. Sometimes by the time the damage is noticed, the insect isn’t there anymore. Both nymphs and adults feed on leaves, creating the spots. Nymphs are bright yellow to red with rows of black spots on the abdomen. The adult stage is ¼” to 1/3” long and has four longitudinal black lines on its yellow or green back, thus the name. 

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