Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus Transit

Excited this morning to pick up my welders glass....Thanks Khary

Weather forecast is for partly cloudy skies....mildly optimistic.

Uneventful day really, and with more clouds than sun, I check the forecast....turned to mostly cloudy.

Back home this eve. I go for a 3 mile run.  Still no pain, but my left foot just doesn't feel right.

Panko breaded fillets get fried up in the fry daddy.  Salad, green beans, and Japanese dumplings round out the meal.

A small spot of blue is seen off in the distance.  I grab my welders glass and head out to see if I can align with the small opening of blue sky.

It's a mirage, as the sun is really not going to show today...obscured by clouds.

I hit the internet and see the Venus Transit from several areas of the world.


Kyle is at soccer practice, Luke is doing a report.

Its almost sundown, and I think it is time to settle in and try the new 7 Leguas tequilla.

Hell's Kitchen will have to be my entertainment.

Photo of the day "Venus Transit"

It's V-Day 2012, the day Venus transits the sun, appearing as a black dot against the star's searing surface.  
It's a show that won't make its celestial revival until December 2117.

For many skywatchers, this event is drawing eyes because it is rare and intimately tied to the history of humanity's quest to take the measure of its corner of the cosmos. In the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists risked their lives traveling to far-flung corners of the globe to carefully record the track of the first lady of the solar system across the sun. Back then, it was the best means available for trying to estimate the Earth's distance from the sun and derive a size for the solar system.

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