Monday, March 12, 2012

CSA Farm Share

We had that extra hour of daylight yesterday, but when I went out to the car this morning at 6:25 it was dark out.  And there was frost on the windshield, what’s with that ?

Typical day in the office, and when we went out to grab some lunch at the bodega, it was already warming up towards 60 degrees.   Rice, Beans, and Sazon chicken for $4, its too good not to go there once a week.

This day in history “The most severe winter storm ever to hit the New York City region reaches blizzard proportions, costing hundreds of lives and millions of dollars in property damage. Although the storm also struck New England, New York was the hardest hit, with the 36-hour blizzard dumping some 40 inches of snow on the city. For several weeks, the city was virtually isolated from the rest of the country by the massive snowdrifts. Messages north to Boston had to be relayed via England. Even "Leather Man," a fixture of New York and Connecticut history who had walked a circuit of 365 miles every 34 days for three decades, was reportedly delayed four days by the Blizzard of 1888. Leather Man, who walked during the day and slept in caves at night, was known as such because his clothes were made out of large patches of thick leather.

Salmon Teriyaki for dinner, and workout at the gym.  Am I predictable or what ?
I can’t believe we have had nearly no snow the whole winter.  If it hits 70 degrees tomorrow I will cut back all the perennial grasses and the butterfly bushes.

Snacking on Tapenade…a mixture of olives, red peppers, olive oil, feta cheese….need I say more.

The jar of Tapenade from Costco looks way better than the wiki.

No blizzards in sight.  Hello spring J

We also signed up for a share of fresh veggies and fruits at a CSA.  Community Supported Agriculture.  Starting in June we will reap the harvest of local farmers….and eat healthier at the same time.

Photo of the day ”CSA Farm Share”

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