Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday

I started to read email while making my coffee this morning,  Chock full of Cyber Monday advertising inviting me to keep the spending that started just prior to Thanksgiving going.

In the old days, when we called it E-Commerce, only a brave few dared us their credit card online, thinking the credit card number and information would be stolen.  

Fast forward 15 years, and clearly the price, convenience, and selection of ordering online is not only 'old school', but safer than taking out the plastic in a public place, and trusting it to some clerk behind the counter as opposed to that 128bit encryption.  Any site with https: is likely safer than your local mall.

This day in history "President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs a bill officially establishing the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.
The tradition of celebrating the holiday on Thursday dates back to the early history of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies, when post-harvest holidays were celebrated on the weekday regularly set aside as "Lecture Day," a midweek church meeting where topical sermons were presented. A famous Thanksgiving observance occurred in the autumn of 1621, when Plymouth governor William Bradford invited local Indians to join the Pilgrims in a three-day festival held in gratitude for the bounty of the season."

With Black Friday behind us, it seems Thanksgiving is the time that we prepare for Christmas as there are typically only a month or so of shopping time till Christmas.

At lunchtime, after getting Optimum to keep me as a customer (nice discount to keep me from fleeing to FIOS), I succumb to the advertising.

After looking at a few sales, I end up at Walmart and get something shipped to store.  I can't say, because you never know who is reading this.  Sue takes advantage of the NYS Passport that is $40 TODAY, instead of $65...even NY State has gotten in on the Cyber Monday thing.

Kyle also got involved, and used Ebay, Paypal, and his Visa Debit Card.

Luke has been prowling the online sales like no tomorrow.  He has had his eye on a pair of shoes (Sneakers), some Adidas beauties for $140.  We typically draw the line, so when he finds his size at Dick's Sporting Goods in his size, on sale, 25% off and free shipping.  I am so proud.  My youngest, who is thirteen  has some of his dad's genes....the frugal ones.

I have to go.  I have to look at Lands End and NYS site to get my NY State Park Passport.  Happy Shopping !

Photo of the day "Cyber Monday"

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