Sunday, November 4, 2012

Strong Island

Long Island is staying strong and those that have, are volunteering and donating to those who have lost so much.

I saw some long lines at gas stations and facebook posts sound like there are more stations with gas.  We have been conserving and hope that helps others who need the gas for generators, and for their cars to get to and from work.

This day in history "On this day in 1979, hundreds of Iranian students storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages. The students, supporters of the conservative Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini, were demanding the return of Iran's deposed leader, the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, who had fled to Egypt in January 1979 and by November was receiving cancer treatment in the United States. After the student takeover, President Jimmy Carter ordered a complete embargo of Iranian oil."

It feels almost the way it felt when we had odd and even days and long lines during the oil embargo.  For those who remember,the government pledged energy independence..Gas rationing has been implemented in NJ and I sure hope we can get some gas tomorrow or the next day.

The Sachem Schools are closed Monday and Tuesday.  I am going to work from home, as will a couple of the guys who work with me.  Then we will alternate who comes to the office, until the flow of gas resumes.

A four mile run this morning, and some lingering twinges in the hamstring.  Decided to blow out the sprinkler system.  Said hello to my neighbor and he pointed out that one of my pine trees is leaning badly toward the fence.  It has always been a little crooked, now it too close to being toppled.  With a Noreaster coming Wed. I have to figure out how to take it down.

Photo of the day "Strong Island"

We donated some boys clothes and water the other day.  Today, Sue is going thru the closets and we have comforter, blanket, and more clothes ready to donate.  There has been a strong outpouring of donations all around.  Strong Island.

Magic Number 224

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