Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

It is so nice getting up and knowing you don't have to go out.  Today's weather was very nice so when the turkey was in the oven, out we went to wrap the fig trees.

I asked Luke what his favorite summer fruit is...he says figs.  I said, me too, now come out and help me wrap the fig trees.  He was reluctant at first, but as soon as we started, he forgot all about his video games.

With so much food to prepare, and only five of us home to eat, I wonder if I should cut back on the offerings.  My decision is made...cook everything, and have lots of leftovers.

This day in history "In the presence of members of Congress and the media, the Northrop B-2 "stealth" bomber is shown publicly for the first time at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California.
The aircraft, which was developed in great secrecy for nearly a decade, was designed with stealth characteristics that would allow it to penetrate an enemy's most sophisticated defenses unnoticed. At the time of its public unveiling, the B-2 had not even been flown on a test flight. It rapidly came under fire for its massive cost--more than $40 billion for development and a $1 billion price tag for each unit."

One thing we should all be thankful for in the USA, is our freedom.  While other nations are at war, and live under some level of persecution, scrutiny, or attacks, we for the most part have it real good.  The cease fire between Israel and Palestinians is into its first full day.  The troops are backing off, and hopefully, the escalations of violence cease for good.

I found another sweat potato that looks like a little mouse.  The CSA is over, but the veggies are still being eaten.  The little mousy potato was checking out the cheese that was destined for the stuffed mushrooms.

Spending most of the day prepping, cooking, checking food, and trying to time it all for the 4pm feast.  The turkey looks great, and once it comes out of the oven, the frenzy to cook the veggies and rolls starts.

Menu: Turkey, Sweat  potato, mashed potato, yams with marshmallow, stuffing, green beans with walnuts and blue cheese, rolls, gravy, and stuffed mushrooms.  The mushrooms were an appetizer that disappeared about 45 minutes before dinner.

Hours of cooking, and a scant half hour of eating.  With plenty of leftovers in fridge, I decided to catch up my blog.  All this writing is making me hungry.  Almost time for pumpkin pie and a nice cup of coffee.

Thankful for all that we have, our good health, no storm damage, and especially having all the boys under one roof.

Photo of the day "Happy Thanksgiving"

Bird Bird Bird, Bird is the word.  Have you heard about the bird ?

Luke tackles two wings and a drumstick.  Sue , Gavin and Kyle have some of everything and then some more.  Me, I ate the other drumstick and all the veggies.

Magic Number 160

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